En Masse.
The Rosary Diary is all about driving behavior change - get as many people to PRAY THE ROSARY. TODAY. EVERY SINGLE DAY.
Our Lady told us at Fatima to pray the rosary every day, for peace in the world and the conversion of sinners.
We, as children of God, heed closely to this message and are taking action accordingly - because we love our neighbors and dread Hell for them.
Even if we already pray the rosary every day, we are RESPONSIBLE to let Jesus & Mary use us to bring others to eternal salvation.
Therefore, we MUST spread far and wide our faith & devotion. We MUST drive behavior change en masse by getting MILLIONS to PRAY THE ROSARY. TODAY. EVERY SINGLE DAY.
Spread the Rosary Devotion.
The rosary is a powerful weapon against Hell and its dark forces.
Over half of practicing Catholics (including priests) do NOT pray the rosary every day.
Many Christians are NOT practicing their faith.
“So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.” (Rev. 3:16)
It is NOT a sin to NOT pray the rosary, and you can *technically* survive a war without armor and weapon.