Praying the rosary on Capitol Hill, in front of the Capitol Building
We are praying the Rosary on Capitol Hill.
We are praying for American's lawmakers.
We are praying for peace in our streets and our homes.
We are praying for peace in Ukraine and peace in the Taiwan Strait.
We are invoking Our Lord and Our Blessed Mother for all the intentions on our hearts.
Meeting at 2:30 pm, Feb 25th.
Rosary starts at 3:00 pm.
Hawk & Dove happy hour right after.
Be there.
Sign up NOW.
Tell your friends to Google ‘Capitol Hill Rosary,’ it will be the FIRST THING that comes up.
We are making this a recurring monthly event.
Let's make our faith public, normalized, and magnetic.
Be not afraid.
Pray the rosary. Today.
With Love,
Kent, the Rosary Diary
Jesus loves you, more than you can ever know
Jesus loves you so much, you have no idea how much He loves you.
Jesus loves you more than your parents love you.
Jesus loves you more than you love yourself.
Jesus loves you more than you love your own child.
We can’t even FATHOM how much He loves you.
And guess what? Jesus knows everything too.
He knows you better than you know yourself.
He knows your secrets.
He knows your preferences.
He knows your fears.
He knows your desires.
He knows what you want.
He knows what you need.
So we have Jesus who loves you, AND He knows everything, that’s literally so good!
That’s why we need to trust Him and love Him.
But I know, it’s easier said than done.
I know how hard it is to trust Him.
I know how hard it is to love Him.
But you know who’s GOOD at TRUSTING and LOVING Jesus?
Mary is good at trusting and loving Jesus.
That’s why time after time I’m telling you to pray the rosary.
Because Mary is going to show you and teach you how to trust and love Jesus.
Through the rosary, Mary will pull you closer to Jesus, and slowly but surely (sometimes it can be very quick), your actions and decisions will reflect the love and trust you have for Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Repeat after me:
Jesus, thank you for loving me. Thank you for giving yourself to us and giving us your Mother. I love you too.
Mary, thank you for loving me. Thank you for showing me how to love your Son. I love you too.
Pray the rosary. Today.
With Love,
Kent, The Rosary Diary
54-Day Rosary Novena Traditionally a novena is nine days. Thus, Our Lady’s words to young Fortuna — make three novenas of the prayers of the Rosary in petition, and three novenas in thanksgiving. 💕
The novena consists of five decades of the Rosary (one set of mysteries) each day for twenty-seven days in petition; then immediately five decades each day for an additional twentyseven days in thanksgiving, regardless of whether or not the request has been granted yet. 🫡
So began six novenas of Rosaries — which became known as the 54-day Rosary Novena. 😇
To do the novena properly, one must pray the Rosary for 54 consecutive days, without missing a day, and must pray the particular Mystery indicated for that day following the correct sequence. ⏰
That is, the first day of the novena always begins with the Joyful Mysteries (regardless of what day of the week the novena is started); the second day, the Sorrowful Mysteries are prayed; and the third day of the novena, the Glorious Mysteries are prayed. 🙏
The fourth day of the novena begins again with the Joyful Mysteries and continues on in that sequence throughout the 54 days of the novena. 💪
The Luminous Mysteries are NOT included in the 54 day rosary novena.
DM your prayer intentions! 💬
Pray the rosary. Today.
#rosary #catholic #faith #jesus #novena
With Love,
Kent, the Rosary Diary
Why do we pray the rosary?
There’s a reason we pray the rosary every single day.
It’s not about worshiping Mary just herself.
It’s about Mary being the Mother of God pulling us closer to Jesus, Her Son.
Jesus loves Mary.
Mary loves Jesus.
Jesus and Mary both love us.
Jesus is always there - He hears everything in our heart and knows everything on our mind.
Jesus wants us to love Him above all else, but He also wants us to love one another, and HONOR our parents.
Yes, that INCLUDES our spiritual Mother, Mary.
Jesus literally said, “behold, this is your Mother.”
We better take His word SERIOUSLY and start honoring our Mother Mary, who is also the Mother of God!
Honoring Mary does NOT take away our love for Jesus, it rather INCREASES how much we love God.
When we go to Mary, She will ALWAYS bring us to Jesus.
It’s not a zero-sum game. God’s love is infinite.
Let’s start imitating God in how He loves, and stop buying into the lies against the Mother of God (especially the hateful comments).
God sees you. God loves you. God cares for you.
So does Mary, Mother of God.
Pray the rosary. Today.
Be Not Afraid.
With Love,
Kent, The Rosary Diary
As we marched to protect the preborn lives this past Friday, the FIRST post-Roe march, our message remains the same:
Pray the rosary. Today.
While it is extremely important to fight the evils of this world (and we should continue to do so), these evils are symptoms of a LARGER problem - the conditions of the human heart.
Ever since the Fall, we have been deviating and distorting God’s original Design, which led us into more mess than we ever realized.
And to address the conditions of the human heart and get out of the messes, we must go BACK to God and start knowing and obeying His Will and Design.
And how do we do that? How do we know and obey God? That’s why we look to Mary, Jesus’ Mother.
Mary obeyed God’s Will PERFECTLY by saying YES to God, birthing Jesus, tenderly caring for Him, asking Him to help people at the wedding feast at Cana (so that the wedding party didn’t have to run dry on wine), enduring the torture of watching Her Son’s Passion, and overall Loving God above all else.
That’s why we pray the rosary - it helps us imitate Mary‘s obedience to God’s will, which is one of the most effective ways for us to come home to God, get close to Jesus.
Pray the rosary. Today.
With Love,
Kent, The Rosary Diary.
It is NOT a sin to NOT pray the rosary.
Technically, you don’t NEED to pray the rosary to be moral, good, or holy.
Just like you don’t NEED a water bottle to stay hydrated.
Just like you don’t NEED more protein to build muscle.
Just like you don’t NEED a navigation system on a road trip.
Just like you don’t NEED a plane ticket to get from New York to Paris.
Just like you don’t NEED free weights to get stronger.
Just like you don’t NEED an umbrella on a rainy day.
Just like you don’t NEED books & podcasts to learn faster.
Just like you don’t NEED your own business to be a Billionaire.
Just like you don’t NEED a gun and body armor to survive a battle.
Without the rosary, you can still *technically* make it.
Just like you can *technically* go through life trying to be better and get closer to God.
Without the rosary, it’s going to be A LOT HARDER.
No one is too good for extra help.
No one is too good for the rosary.
Pray the rosary. Today.
Be Not Afraid.
With Love,
Kent, The Rosary Diary